23 Apr 2024 IN Magento

Feature Collection of Magento That You Must Be Aware of

If you are utilizing Magento for eCommerce development, you must be certain that you are utilizing the platform to its full potential. Magento is an expanding open-source tool that enables programmers to investigate new eCommerce web development prospects.

Did you know that more people search for Magento on Google than for “eCommerce”? This particular data demonstrates the immense popularity of Magento. And the incredible features of the Magento eCommerce platform are the cause of this enormous demand.

Clearly, Magento is the greatest platform for online stores. We’ll show you in this blog that this claim is entirely true. The Community Edition of Magento is open-source and cost-free to use. This broad eCommerce platform also provides great performance, pre-developed extensions, simple third-party integration, and solid security.

While Magento is mostly recognized as a reliable and secure platform, it is also a programming language that has exceptional innovative characteristics in the eCommerce industry.

The majority of the platform’s features and functionalities may be familiar to you, but there are a few secret elements that not everyone is aware of.

Let’s take a closer look at these incredible features that could completely alter how one utilizes Magento.

1. Open Source Platform

Open Source Platform

It is well-known that Magento is an open-source platform. Modification of the source codes is simple. Everybody has access to it on a global scale. The primary characteristic is its adaptable structure, which enables developers to readily customize it to meet their needs.

The enterprise edition and the community edition are the two main versions that are currently offered. Both are conveniently offered. However, although the enterprise edition is paid for, the community edition is free.

2. Specialised Templates and Themes

Several pre-made themes and readily available templates are one of Magento’s useful features. With the help of its most recent version, Magento 2, developers can easily customize a variety of themes.

As basic views are included in the structural module and there is no base theme in the design, it is conceivable. Furthermore, because it is more effective and time-saving, we can state that it is one of the most practical platforms for developers and business owners.

3. Catalog Administration

Catalog Administration

For every online store, the product catalogues are the users’ primary source of information. These Catalogs list the products available as well as any pertinent details. On the Magento platform, the merchants can choose from a variety of fundamental, virtual, adaptable, and downloadable products.

It is simple to import and export commodities using this platform. It also includes a list of the municipal tax rates that are applicable. Also, with the aid of its add-ons, the Magento platform offers a complete inventory management solution.

4. Analytical Reports

With Magento, a number of analytical reports are offered by default. Additionally, it has a connection to Google Analytics, which raises its legitimacy. This capacity is a really helpful tool that is appreciated by both developers and enterprises. This function aids in better task organization to boost productivity.

In addition to informing the seller of the total sales and keeping track of the invoices, this system also performs a number of other tasks. It assists in keeping an eye on supply availability, allowing the seller to quickly manage the needed stocks.

5. Several Stores

Another important advantage is that it lets customers manage several websites using a single back-end infrastructure. The admin and authorized workers can access a single dashboard that is provided. It facilitates centralizing management of everything.

6. Integrations with 3rd Parties

Other tools and add-ons are necessary to make your e-Store distinctive. This includes payment options, delivery, and tracking services that will support the physical and digital operations of your firm. The stores need numerous third-party integrations for this purpose. Such crucial third-party interfaces can be easily and smoothly integrated via Magento.

7. Services for Consultation

Services for Consultation

The platform of Magento gives users access to exclusive consulting groups, which contain a number of skilled experts. These experts want to help you better grasp the platform by giving you advice. These organizations also offer business owners and developers crucial training.

8. Scalability

Today, businesses are growing quickly, thus it is crucial to foster an environment that will allow small enterprises to flourish. Magento enables you to alter your online store at any time to account for this. As the number of products rises and information needs to be updated, this will assist your firm to expand.

New functionality and customization possibilities in Magento 2 are entirely to blame for this. Because of this, Magento will enable the websites to support enormous catalogs and guarantee continued growth.

9. SEO-friendly

According to the most recent standards, Magento offers an environment that is completely SEO-friendly. Magento-powered websites frequently rank at the top of search results. Within the Magento platform, changing URLs, Mega Tags, and Keywords are simple.

Additionally, as long as the Google site maps are being generated, bots can easily navigate the web pages. Therefore, you won’t have to worry too much about implementing the most recent SEO techniques if you use Magento.

10. Mobile-friendly

The platform uses HTML5 technology, which offers a user interface that is suitable for mobile devices-essential for mobile commerce. Additionally, it offers an effortless cross-browser experience.

With Google AMP, the websites load more quickly and the images look nice on all mobile devices. Additionally, Magento aids in enhancing image quality for mobile display. It offers a wonderful user experience all around.

Top Hidden Features of Magento

Let’s now discuss the Magento features that are hidden but that you should be aware of.

  • Extending the Session
  • Tier Pricing
  • Send Product Alerts to Customers
  • Create Specific Product Rankings
  • Establishing Customer Groups
  • Stacking Static Blocks

Let’s learn each feature individually.

1. Extending the Session

Extending the Session

Editing your online Magento store can take hours, and it’s very easy to lose track of time as you get sucked into the details. Therefore, it might be disheartening to realize that all of your efforts will be for naught if you run out of time while trying to save the modification.

The Admin Session Lifetime being too short is the only explanation for this. A security measure to stop unauthorized admin login actions is the Session timeline. However, using this feature while logged out prevents the changes from being saved.

The good news is that you can fix this issue by extending the Session Lifetime. Access the Session Lifetime (Seconds) option under System > Configuration > Advanced > Admin > Security. Here, you can modify the session time before it logs you out and permanently fixes the issue.

2. Tier Pricing

The Tier Pricing function is located in the Magento product management settings. The Tier Pricing tool allows you to establish varying prices for products depending on how much the consumer is buying. Essentially, it is employed to provide discounts for large purchases.

Bulk purchases are widespread, thus if your Magento store does B2B business, this capability is necessary. Navigate to Catalog > Managed Products > Add/Edit Product > Prices > Add Tier to use the Tier pricing tool.

3. Send Product Alerts to Customers

When a customer finds the ideal product, it irritates him when it sells out. For a customer, receiving notification when an item that was out of stock is returned is quite helpful.

Many Magento shop merchants are completely unaware of how simple it is to set up product alerts by going to System > Configuration > Catalog. Expand the Product Alerts option to find it here. You must choose Yes for both “Allow Alert When Product Price Changes” and “Allow Alert When Product Comes Back in Stock” from a drop-down menu that will appear.

Customers will have the opportunity to sign up for email product alerts after selecting Yes. It is wonderful to know that you may enable these alerts without utilizing any Magento third-party extensions. The user experience can be greatly enhanced by this little addition.

4. Create Specific Product Rankings

Create Specific Product Rankings

You can define your own standards in Magento for how buyers assess your goods. And for this, you don’t even need a third-party extension. You can build your own unique criteria and let users rate your products using Magento. The default ratings are for quality, price, and value.

However, you can make your own selection if these categories don’t quite cover what you want for your customers. Simply click Add New Rating in the top-right corner of the page after navigating to Stores > Attributes > Rating. On each product page, ratings will be displayed as stars.

5. Establishing Customer Groups

Last but not least, another undocumented feature of Magento is the ability to create customer groups. Especially when you want to provide interesting discounts, set customized pricing, etc., creating groups of clients might be handy. These may include certain VIPs, employees, bulk purchases, etc.

You can hide the pricing for customers who aren’t logged in so that only the grouped consumers see the special rate. You have more control over the pricing structure of your products thanks to this helpful pricing tool. Just select Customers > Customer Groups from the menu.

6. Stacking Static Blocks

We may add and manage many sorts of HTML snippets using static blocks, which helps to show content throughout the Magento store. We reduce the quantity of content in each static block when there is a lot of stuff in your static blocks by nesting multiple static blocks together using widgets.


The Magento eCommerce platform stands out from its fierce competition, including Shopify and WooCommerce, thanks to these incredible and unique features.

Magento is the greatest eCommerce platform because it offers the best tools and functions for both users and administrators. To get the most out of the features, though, you’ll need a Magento development firm like us, as there are many of them.

As the top Magento development company, LinkSture has experience building Magento stores from the ground up. Please let us know what you need.

For immediate assistance with any type of website design and eCommerce development related requirements, connect with us now!